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Donate to Essex County Animal Shelter
Essex County Animal Shelter540 Airport Road,
VA, 22560 Phone: 804-443-0726
E-mail: eshifflett@essex-virginia.org
Tappahannock Essex County Animal Shelter is a small, county owned facility. Opened in 2008, we are not a 'no kill shelter' but do our best to minimize the need to euthanize animals. In 2022, TECAS had an intake of 400 animals with zero animals euthanised. The animal shelter is located at 540 Airport Road, Tappahannock, Virginia. It is right across the street from the Tappahannock Veterinary Hospital. TECAS does not do same day adoptions. Your application is reviewed for adoption, and we will return a telephone call to the applicant usually within 72 hours to let you know if you have been approved or denied. For more information see the Essex County Animal Shelter website.

Please Donate to Help the Dogs and Cats
The Essex County Animal Shelter loves donations to support our care for homeless or displaced animals in our community. Here are some of the items we could use at the shelter:
- Dry dog and cat food - prefer Purina, Pedigree or anything that does not have red coloring in it,
- Canned Cat Food,
- Canned Dog Food,
- Dog biscuits and soft treats (natural without dyes),
- Cat treats (natural without dyes),
- Bleach,
- Dish washing (anti-bacterial) Detergent,
- Powdered Laundry detergent,
- Paper towel,
- Towels,
- Wash cloths,
- Blankets, Sheets,
- Plastic dog beds,
- Pet carriers,
- Leashes,
- Collars/Harnesses,
- New or Unused Pet Crates and Dog Houses,
- Washable Dog and Cat toys
- Medications, flea and heartworm meds,
- Visa gift cards, etc. are welcome also. Gift cards can be used for specific shot medication and vetting procedures or pet emergencies.
Essex County Animal Shelter.
540 Airport Road,
VA, 22560 Or you can mail to Treasurer’s Office (Essex County Animal Shelter), PO Box 489, Tappahannock, VA 22560
No Squeeky Toys Please
Toys that make a noise when you squeeze them can encourage some dogs to be aggressive towards young children because they squeek too. The device that makes the noise is usually small and can be harmful if swallowed. Some toys of this type contain a small battery which is poisonous if the dog eats it. The best toys are tuggers, tennis balls and hard chew toys that cannot be ripped apart. Visiting Essex County Animal Shelter
Please phone us on 804-443-0726 to check that the dog you want to visit is still available.
Location Map of Tappahannock, VA
This website is funded, operated and maintained by The Dog Rescues Network as a service to the community. This website has no connection with Essex County Animal Shelter. No payment has been received or is required. For enquiries about this website e-mail: webmaster@dogrescues.net